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Thursday, July 7, 2016

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: Day-36-Manifest Desired Life--Living your Dream Li...

PRAYER HEALS EVERYTHING: Day-36-Manifest Desired Life--Living your Dream Li...: Day 36 Manifest Desire Life "Attuning the Breath with Life Purpose" Living Your Dream Life What is known in modern parallel

..Day 36

Manifest Desire Life

"Attuning the Breath with Life Purpose"

Living Your Dream Life

What is known in modern parallel as "Living your Dream Life" is manifested as per practice given here.

When you constantly observe your breath as per practice 35[Practice given yesterday],you come in harmony with your 'true self'.

Surprisingly you find that all wavering thoughts are leaving you and you are now living with only one thought-that is your -Life Purpose.

When this state of being is achieved-you can take first step towards Living your dream life.As now you are left with only one 'thought' -keep observing your breath as and when instinctively you feel like that.

Now bring that 'thought' ,which is constantly haunting you and focus your breath on that 'one thought' only.

This means ,your complete focus upon breath ,which is now attuning itself with your'thought' with all its apprehensions and hopes-after sometime you'll find inner assurance and all apprehensions in thinking about manifesting this thought will evaporate.

Slowly only thought remains and that too is replaced automatically by 'feeling' of thought being manifested.Here you are in sync with your 'life purpose'.

At this time -in whatever way you want frame a 'prayer' or identify this 'feeling' with a 'color'- now you will find that many times during the day this 'color' will begin to manifest itself in unimaginable ways.

Here you are beginning to receive 'signs'that your sub conscious mind is at work- slowly you begin to take instinctive steps in direction of manifestation and 'dream life' begins to manifest itself.

Now you will ask me- what is the 'time period'?

No time period- if you are in 'sync' it may happen right now or it may take X,Y,Z months or years,as you only manifest anything ,when you are completely in SYNC with your desire.

Your job is to keep practicing -the more you practice-more steps you take in KARMA and more steps you take in KARMA ,more closer you are to your dream life.

This has worked for millions and it'll work for you also.

Link to all Self Healing Books by author

Link to Register for "Healing Now" Courses and connect to Healers

Link to Complete Series- "Manifest Desired Life" by Anirudh M.Dhodapkar

Link to Connect to Author on his fb page


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